No scanner blues. | Right Hand Drawn by Miki Huynh No scanner blues. | Tried the left hand… didn't work so well. </a>

No scanner blues.


April 8, 2008 by miki

It took a bit…

I worry about there being some redundancy in posting the full image here as well as up on the other site, but I guess if it’s easy enough to click a few buttons to make the .jpg’s pop-up, might as well.

It’s also been a while since I’ve hit this particular site and overquoted lines from the cartoons therein, but check out a recent good ‘un on Homestarrunner about webcomics. Still plenty of life left in those ‘toons. Feels like college all over again.

Met all the new teachers at school today. It was nice to not be the nervous, confused person trying to get themselves oriented this time. New faces have a way of giving the work environment just that tiny extra zing to make another year of school seem a bit more inviting. I’m glad for that, as those small prickles of doubt had crept their way into my head over the past week again. Changing faces, and places too… I sit in a new spot in the teacher’s room now… means that the workplace can’t be an entirely stagnant environment. That’s the hope I’ll stand by at least. As long as I can keep those feelings separate from the time I spend fishing for other adventures out here. Plus, I finally have my own computer station with internet. Woohoo! Oh, a worldwideweb of possibilities await.


  1. Jeremy says:

    Glad to hear you are moving up in the world, so to speak. I’m hoping when I visit we can at least see some beautiful stuff together. I have a feeling the view from atop Fujii will qualify, if nothing else does. Although I’m not promising my continuous monologue won’t ruin it, hehe.

  2. dmac says:

    I really like the new comic. Plus we should hang out more, today was fun. If you decide you want to do an off-schedule 24-hour comic count me in.

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