Right Hand Drawn by Miki Huynh | Tried the left hand… didn't work so well. </a>

local travelsthesia


September 24, 2008 by miki

A few trips within Japan this summer have resulted in a bunch of photos, finally available for your viewing pleasure. I’m vague with the location and action specifics for now, I know. Come back in a few and more should be sorted. I lag, I lag.

1) Japan Summer Tour 2008. Trekked with a friend through Hiroshima, Shimane, and Okayama prefectures. Climbed Mt. Fuji, came back down, and finally headed to the big city offerings of Yokohama and Tokyo. In my case, as captured on film, that mostly means public parks and laundromats.

2) Echigo-Tsumari. A roadtrip north from Tokyo into Niigata prefecture. Therein began a scavenger hunt for public art inspired and mostly produced out of the raw materials and delapidated building remains in various hideaways throughout the countryside. Found out about the whole thing by chance here. This is the official site.

3) A little bit of Kyushu. Two weekends ago, I decided to go solo and head west for 3 days by train and bus into the Kyushu region of Japan. It’s between 3.5-8 hours from Hamada depending on your route and vehicle of choice. Stopped over in Fukuoka City and later Kumamoto City, and wanted to reach Mt. Aso, but didn’t get far enough in time. Notes collected during the journey to be posted soon.

The End.


September 22, 2008 by miki

Not literally. Just a title:

Wasn’t sure whether to put this up, but I felt obligated to at least finish it after I got started. Whatever you want to read into that.

Also, check out this BBC article about new attempts to conduct research on near death experiences and astral projection. Who knows?

happy accidental find in Fukuoka


September 15, 2008 by miki

Happened upon this wonderful little store in a shopping area of Fukuoka called Aranzi Milk. I hadn’t heard of Aranzi Aronzo before, but instantly became a fan of the simple characters and coloration.


It also seems they’re quite big with plenty of books available. What do ya know.



Other Stuff