whey | Right Hand Drawn by Miki Huynh whey | Tried the left hand… didn't work so well. </a>

‘whey’ Category

  1. notes, p.1


    January 9, 2008 by miki

    12/24/07 I’m sitting at Kansai Airport in front of my departure gate, waiting to board the airplane that takes me …
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  2. Daft Punks and Sharp Pens


    December 12, 2007 by miki

    Took me a bit, but here they are.. shots from the Daft Punk concert at Makuhari (12/8/07): A clean shot …
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  3. Oh, the weather inside is frightful


    December 4, 2007 by miki

    This morning was reported to be 3 degrees. Celsius that is. That sounded awful chilly until I checked my Google …
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